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Posted by gabel On 07:08 1 comments
Clustered Water (or structured water) is without a doubt one of the greatest health
breakthroughs in the last century.
There are several reasons Clustered Water can have a huge impact on cancer so I will
list them to better understand each individually.
1. Clustered Water effects the basic core of the cell’s biology. It can stop cellular
degeneration and in some cases reverse this outcome.
2. Clustered Water speeds up the healing process of the body.

3. Clustered Water enhances the delivery and utilization of nutrients.
4. Clustered Water helps restore the intercellular and intracellular communications,
that is the communications WITHIN each cell AND the communications BETWEEN
each cell of our body.
5. Clustered Water can hydrate the cells of the body and in the process, put a stop to
degenerative diseases.
6. Clustered water detoxifies the cells, eliminating toxins like drugs, heavy metals,
chemicals, infections, food endotoxins, medications, vaccines, radiations, and even
deeply held emotional traumas.
Read the full report on Clustered Water at Wayne Graham’s awesome website:
Another site to take a look at is James Golik’s:
James sells an e-water machine that makes "small cluster" or structured water. If you
were to purchase this machine and make your own "small cluster"/structured water,
the cost would be dramatically less for the use of this product.

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Posted by gabel On 07:07 1 comments
There is mounting evidence that Essential Oils can play a vital role in not only
treating cancer but in preventing it also.
As we mentioned, Gary Young N.D. of the Young Life Research Clinic has pioneered
the use of Essential Oils in the fight against cancer with outstanding results.
The Young Life Research Clinic has used Essential Oils to effectively treat and cure

cancer and many other fatal and non-fatal diseases.
The two main factors that seem to make Essential Oils so effective are:
1. Essential Oils pull oxygen into every cell in our bodies and cancer cannot live in an
oxygen rich environment.
2. Essential Oils raise the frequency of our bodies and there again, cancer cannot
tolerate higher frequencies.
For more information about Essential Oils and a fascinating article on the electrical
frequency of the body and how different substances can impact that frequency, click

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Posted by gabel On 07:06 1 comments
Ellagic Acid is a phenolic compound found naturally in 46 different foods (currently
known, anyway).
The meeker red raspberry (specific to the Pacific Northwest) apparently has the
highest concentration of Ellagic Acid and is the source of Ellagic Acid that has been
tested as a cancer treatment.
Ellagic Acid appears to have several different effects on cells in our bodies.
It seems to be an effective antimutagen, anticarcinogen, and inhibitor of cancer.
Ellagic Acid works best when combined with Graviola.

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Posted by gabel On 07:05 1 comments
Graviola appears to be another super-supplement that was (and still is) very
Made from a Brazilian rainforest tree, Graviola has incredible cancer fighting
Nearly ten years ago, one of the world’s largest drug companies tried to synthesize
two of the tree’s most powerful natural anti-cancerous chemicals.
After pouring millions of dollars into testing and research, there was good news and
bad news.
The good news was the extracts killed every kind of cancer cell!
The bad news was that this drug company could not synthesize a chemical equivalent

so it couldn’t be patented . With no patent there was so way to protect their
investment, so this pharmaceutical giant shelved the entire project, refusing to make
it’s findings public.
If that wasn’t enough, the National Cancer Institute also did its own research on
Graviola and in an "internal report" it was concluded that the extract from leaves and
stems of the plant attack and kill cancer cells with lethal precision but the NCI refused
to make those findings public.
In more than 20 laboratory tests, Graviola has been shown to target and kill malignant
cells in 12 types of cancer including pancreatic, colon, breast, and lung cancer.
Graviola has also been shown to be 10,000 times more powerful in killing colon
cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug.
It can also be a potent cancer killer and at the same time leaving healthy cells alone.
To sum it up, Graviola is an all-natural therapy that:
… targets and kills malignant cells,
… protects the immune system,
… protects the body’s organs,
… doesn’t cause extreme nausea, weight loss, or hair loss
… helps you to feel healthy, boosting your energy and improve your outlook on life.
For more info on Graviola see :

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Posted by gabel On 07:04 1 comments
Cancell, also called Entelev, was developed by chemist James Sheridan.
His theory was that it was possible to chemically control the energy needed by the
cells of the body. This is exactly what Cancell does.
It works by inhibiting respiration of the cancer cells and thereby pushing the cancer
cells into a more "primitive" stage. Once the cancer cells have been pushed into this
primitive stage, the body can attack and dispose of them as it would any other foreign
Cancell seems to work much the same as Ukrain in that it effects the cancer cell’s

respiration and causes it to die but unlike Ukrain, it is very inexpensive.
When you read the overwhelming research on Cancell, I believe there will be little
doubt in your mind that Cancell works.
Side effects can be some initial fatigue that lasts 2-3 weeks, longer with some. Cancell
is non-toxic except in massive doses. An example of that is about a woman who
mistakenly drank an entire bottle of Cancell and the only effect was diarrhea the next
day. She discovered her mistake and started taking the correct dosage, one
teaspoon/day. She is now cured of cancer.
The effectiveness of Cancell with all types of cancer is estimated at 80%
Paul Winter has put together a great website that not only explains the history of
Cancell clearly, how it works, where to get it, etc. It also gives a detailed description
of how this information has been suppressed. Here is the website address:

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Posted by gabel On 07:02 1 comments
It has been know for over 35 years that Laetrile (also called Vitamin B17) has a very
profound effect on many types, if not all, cancer cells.
Laetrile was proven so effective in fighting cancer that, of course the special interest
groups stepped in to make it illegal to sell raw apricot seeds that contain high amounts
of laetrile.

The greatest thing about Laetrile is that it’s easy and inexpensive to get it into your
Laetrile/B17 is found in high concentrations in many fruits and seeds of fruits as well
as some vegetables and legumes.
Some clinics have used Laetrile in a "cocktail" with several other key ingredients to
achieve a 100% recovery rate.

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CRITTERS (soil-based organisms)

Posted by gabel On 03:10 0 comments
Few people are aware of the direct relationship between their state of health and the
billions of tiny micro-organisms that live in the digestive tract.
These micro-organisms keep the intestines clean by feeding on waste, fungi, yeast,

harmful bacteria, poisons, etc. while at the same time, helping the body to produce
essential elements (proteins, vitamins, and hormones) needed for proper growth,
immune function, and healing.
A "new" soil-based micro-organism is proving so effective at aiding the body’s
healing and immune function that many have reported being healed from all kinds of
different diseases including cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, diabetes, life-long
allergies, and many others.
The potential immune enhancing benefits, combined with how well this product helps
to restore the whole digestive system, make it an ideal supplement for cancer sufferers
who have ALREADY had chemotherapy and radiation.
Read the whole story at:

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Posted by gabel On 13:47 13 comments
Transfer Factors are small protein molecules that can passively transfer immunity
from one mammal to another by stimulating the immunity.
Transfer Factor is a vital immune factor brought about to us directly from mother
nature. Every mother that breast feeds her infant passes on her immunity (all of the
information her immune system has gained in her lifetime). This process begins with
the first milk called colostrum.
Transfer Factor is non-toxic with no side effects, stimulates the entire immune system,

and has been shown to induce an immune response in as little as 24 hours.
Transfer Factor is also fairly inexpensive and is readily available.
As for what it can do for cancer, the following testimonial says more than we ever
"My name is Dena Guidice, and I want to share with you how Transfer Factor has
saved my life. In November of 1998, I was diagnosed with lung cancer.
At that time, my "team" of doctors recommended that the best course of treatment for
my cancer would be to perform radiation and chemotherapy simultaneously. I got
started with both treatments immediately and was given the "highest dosages" of
treatment possible.
Over the next 90 days, I suffered from all of the normal side-effects including
weakness, vomiting, hair loss & severe weight loss. My radiation and chemo
treatments ended late February, 1999.
On March 25th, 1999, I went in for surgery (as planned), and the doctors removed a
tumor from my right lung along with the top 1/3rd of my lung and three sections of my
ribs. The surgery went very well, and the doctors believed that they had successfully
removed all of the cancer from my body. After my surgery, I went through an
additional 12 weeks of chemotherapy from May to July, 1999, as a "safety measure."
It was during this time that my body became so weak that all I could do was sleep and
lie in bed all day. I lost all of my hair at this point, and my fingernails and teeth
became so brittle I started to lose them as well. I lost my appetite completely and got
to the point where I weighed only 88 pounds.
Even as sick as I was in the summer, I was still hopeful that by fall I would get
stronger after the chemotherapy was out of my "system." My hope was short lived,
however. In August, I found a lump under my left arm. After another surgery to
remove that tumor, the tests confirmed that I had malignant lymphatic cancer (cancer
of the lymph nodes) and that the cancer was all over my WHOLE BODY.
At that point in time, my "team" of doctors told me there was "nothing they could do
for me."
I had "stage 5" TERMINAL cancer and I had a MAXIMUM of 2 to 6 months to live!"
They told me to do EVERYTHING I¹ve always wanted to do in life within the next 45-
60 days because after that, I would be much too weak and too sick to do anything
whatsoever. By this time, I was convinced that I was going to die-especially since the
doctors had "never" seen a person live beyond 8 months in my condition with my kind
of cancer.
At this point, I shared the devastating news with my kids, and we all took a trip to
Hawaii. In my own mind, I "KNEW" that this would be my "farewell trip." I had given
up every ounce of hope, and I had mentally prepared myself to die.
It was at this time (1st week in October) that my son finally convinced me to start
taking Transfer Factor. In my mind, I was 100% convinced that it wouldn¹t do
anything for me, but nonetheless, I started taking six T-Factors Plus and six regular
Transfer Factor capsules every day.
Within 30 days, I started to feel a little stronger and regained my appetite, but I still
believed in my mind that my life was soon to be over. I kept taking the product.
By January, 2000, (about 90 days after starting on Transfer Factor) I found myself
even stronger and had gained back 7 pounds. I continued taking TF every day.
It¹s now been 7 months since I started taking Transfer Factor (May, 2000). I¹ve now
gained a total of 26 pounds and I feel healthier than I¹ve felt in over 2 years. I just
went to see my doctor 2 weeks ago, and he said that, "I¹m a living Miracle" and that I
Transfer Factor has not only SAVED my life, it has given me hope for
tomorrow and the years ahead. "
(More testimonies at )
Transfer factors are small protein molecules that can passively transfer immunity
from one mammal to another by stimulating immunity.
Happily there is now a safe and effective way to stimulate your Natural Killer
cells....with transfer factor.
NK cells are trained to recognize one specific enemy, such as virally infected cell or a
cancer cell. When called to action by the T-4 cells the sleeping squadron replicates
into an army with a single-minded task. The NK cells are lethal. When they attach to
a target cell, a biochemical cascade is triggered that punctures the cell membrane thus
killing the hapless bacterium, virally infected cell or cancer cell.
Transfer Factors are
* not a vitamin
* not a mineral
* not an herb
Transfer Factor :
is produced from bovine colostrum.
Transfer Factors are not allergenic and are equally effective whether taken orally or
by injection.
Since TF can "turn on" the immune system, it can give rise to "flu-like" symptoms
when one first starts to take it.
Transfer factors have been shown to induce an immune response in less than 24
TF was discovered in the 1940's and has been extensively studied for the past 50
Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence discovered that an immune response could be transferred
from a donor to a recipient by injecting an extract of leucocytes. The extract was
postulated to contain a factor capable of transferring the donor’s immunity to the
recipient. Lawrence called this substance transfer factor, the term now used by
Thousands of papers have been published on the use of transfer factors.
30 Capsule bottle $39.95
Take one capsule daily for maintenance and one or two capsules every 2-3 hours
when additional immune support is needed. The product can be taken daily for
maintenance or as above for extended periods of time.
There is no known toxicity.

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Posted by gabel On 13:29 1 comments
Now let’s take a look at some of the super-supplements that are available to treat
Super-supplements is a phrase we coined because it really fits this specific class of
As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, this is an exciting way to treat cancer
because these supplements have an immediate impact on immunity. Some of them
also target and kill cancer cells directly. They can also be effective if conventional
treatment has already been administered because of the boost these supplements give

immunity. There are a couple of exceptions though, most of these supplements are
pretty inexpensive giving a tremendous "bang for your buck".
The very best thing about these supplements is there is no negative downside using
them, unlike chemotherapy and radiotherapy because they "build up" the entire body
instead of "tearing it down".

Ukrain is probably the most expensive yet most effective cancer treatment supplement
Ukrain directly targets and kills cancer cells while at the same time, fortifying the
immune system . Ukrain has been tested by the National Cancer Institute. This test
involved 60 different cancer cell lines. In practically all cell lines, it was found that
Ukrain stopped cancer growth 100% of the time!
Ukrain does everything chemotherapy can do without any toxic side effects and using
Ukrain early in cancer treatment, preferably soon after diagnosis, produces the best
results (about 93% cure rate). Here are a few quotes from doctors who use Ukrain for
cancer patients:
"The main advantage of Ukrain is that it apparently selectively kills cancer cells and
not only does it do no harm to the body’s defense, it actually fortifies them."
Dr. Brodie, M. D.
"Like chemotherapy, it kills cancer cells very well but, unlike chemotherapy, it spares
normal cells, healthy tissue. If the medical community were willing to give it a try,
Ukrain could replace chemotherapy in treating almost all cancers."
Dr. Robert Atkins, M. D. Dr. Atkins regards Ukrain as the single best anti-cancer
agent he has used to date.
"Ukrain alters the oxygen consumption of cancer cells in an irreversible manner.
Since the cancer cells stop "breathing" (called cell respiration) at this point, after 15
minutes of Ukrain treatment, they die."
Dr. Wolfgang Kostler M.D.
There are only two things we consider a downside for Ukrain.
One is the cost which is $10,000-$20,000/year.
The second is that it is given by injection which can cause complications for some,
depending on what country one is from. For example, in Britain only a doctor or
nurse can give intra-muscular injections. But in the United States, this isn’t the case.
You will no doubt need to talk to your Health Care Practioner about the different
consequences of using Ukrain.
Here are the addresses and phone numbers to find more information:
Norwicky Pharama Margaretenstrasse 7
Dipl. ing. Dr. J.W. Nowicky A-1040
Vienna, Austria
Phone: (+43-1) 5861224
FAX: (+43-1) 5868994
Ukrain is also available from Dr. Atkins’ clinic at:
Atkins Center for Complimentary Medicine
152 East 55th St.
New York, N.Y. USA 10022
Phone: (212) 758-2110
FAX: (212) 754-

MGN3 was developed from rice and Japanese mushroom extracts.
This rice bran, when combined with the mushroom extract, produces a cancer fighting
combination that is very effective.
MGN3 increases the body’s natural killer cell activity up to 800% and begins to raise
those killer T-cell levels within one hour.
It appears that MGN3 boosts the entire immune system, in particular the production of
killer cells whose function is to destroy abnormal cells.
MGN3 is available with a prescription. It is safe (no toxic side effects) and is
relatively inexpensive.
MGN3 seems to work better when taken with a product called Oat Beta-glucan,
available from:
Here is a quote from Dr. Ghoneum M.D.
"Our success rate with MGN3 has been excellent. With the exception of very
terminal cases, all of the other patients have shown dramatic results."
Use this link for more information:
(Homepathic Natural Activator of the Immunologic System)
Hansi is a "new" homeopathic cancer treatment showing phenomenal results.
Hansi was developed by Argentine botanist Juan Hirschmann.
It was originally used as an experiment in treating plant cancers, which in turn led to
successful treatment of animal cancers.
In July of 1990, Hirschmann opened the first clinic in Buenos Aires and began
treating human cancer patients. The treatment was (and is) so effective that the clinic
as you might imagine, was mobbed and police had to be brought in to control the
Hansi has been proven effective with every type of cancer. According to their
website, over 100,000 cancer patients have been treated with HANSI. Cancers
included breast, pancreatic cancer, colon and colo-rectal, prostate, non-hodgkins
lymphoma, malignant melanomas, and more.
It has been proven in clinical tests to stimulate natural killer and T-cell activity.
Hansi can also be used while on chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.
It is available in various formulations: intra-muscular injection, inhalation via
nebulizer or nasal spray, or sublingually
Another benefit of the Hansi treatment is that a course of it can be purchased and used
at home, and not have to go to a clinic!
Over 100,000 people have claimed a positive response from using this treatment. The
only drawback we can find is the expense. The cost is about $25,000/course of
treatment but still much less that conventional treatments.
Hansi cannot be used for those who have had an organ transplant, so please keep that
in mind.
Here are the links for more information about Hansi:
Hansi International LTD.:
The product is available from Hirschmann at:
For more details, call: (011) 4612-4641 or email
Hansi (with slightly different formula) is available in the USA from clinics such as
Dr. Shaw’s at:
or from the center for immuno-energy at:
In addition, Hospital de Diagnostico in San Salvador is now offering this therapy.
Doctors in USA using Hansi Products:
Dr. Alvin Stjernholm, N.D., D.C. 303-922-8451
Dr. Hanna Karwacka, Dr. Med. Sci. 858-454-3029
Dr. Jose DaCostaReis, D.C., N.D. 416-968-0300
Dr. David Green, M.D. (M.A.) Dr. Acp, Dr. Hom. 941-351-3579
Dr. Barnie Vanzant, M.D. 904-752-9222
Dr. Bruce Benner, A.P., Dipl. Ac., D.O.M. 941-351-9239

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Posted by gabel On 13:18 0 comments
Let’s take a look now at the very best cancer cures and treatments available. Some of
these can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments such as radiation and
chemotherapy while others are strongly recommended to be used without either of
these treatments. Just plain common sense will tell you that any of these alternative
treatments will be much more effective if used before conventional therapies because
of the damage chemotherapy/radiation do to the immune system.
Every individual must make a personal decision about treatment and preferably with
the help of a Health Care Specialist or doctor who is not only aware of these different
options but also is supportive of the right to choose and is supportive of whatever

treatment you choose as an individual, which is not an easy task.
First we’ll take a look at the clinics that are available. This is exciting because some
of the clinics appear to have an over 90% cure rate!
Then we will run down the super-supplements. This is also very exciting because, for
the most part, are relatively inexpensive. These super-supplements immediately have
an impact on the body’s immunity. Some target and kill cancer cells directly and can
work well even if conventional treatments have been administered.
There are also a few more points to consider. One is that there is a fine line between
these supplements. Some are actually believed to target and kill cancer cells while
others super-charge and support the immunity. Sadly also, is that it is illegal for the
supplement manufacturers and distributors to claim that they "cure" anything.
Because of this, all of these supplements, homeopathic or herbal remedies, are usually
sold as "immune enhancers". The fact remains that some of them have cured cancer
by themselves. Many others have cured cancer in combination with each other and
many help to cure cancer in combination with different protocols the clinics use.
These super-supplements have in fact saved many lives and continue to as more and
more people discover this truth:
Near the end of this E-book, we will give some suggestions and ideas on how these
treatments might be effectively combined. No one can tell you exactly which
combination to use and there are so many factors involved, some of which are:
1. Cost
2. Whether or not conventional treatment has been administered
3. Whether there are metastases (secondary growths)
4. What your intuition/inner wisdom tells you
5. What is practical for you individually
6. Urgency (you may make a different decision if time is of the essence as compared
to if there is time to think for awhile)
Please, please remember that even if you have been told there is no hope for
recovery and nothing to be done, THERE IS STILL HOPE!! The human body is
absolutely awesome in its ability to recover, given the proper emotional and
physical stimulus, plus a good attitude!
I have seen dozens of testimonials from people who were on their death beds that
made miraculous recoveries within weeks!
Please, please DON’T GIVE UP!

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Posted by gabel On 13:15 0 comments
We believe, first of all, that emotional and psychological health can not really be
separated. Of course, we can separate them in an E-book but in real life it all "blends"
together. For example, if you are an emotional wreck, you will most likely be sick
physically, too. Likewise if you are very sick physically, there probably is something
wrong emotionally.
We also believe there is a very strong connection between emotional/psychological
health and cancer. Emotional stress that is ongoing over many years takes a
tremendous toll on the body, pushing it out of "balance". This contributes either

directly or indirectly to causing not only cancer but most likely ALL disease. Seek out
Health Care Practitioners that treat the whole body and mind, not just individual
"parts" like traditional medicine does. Allopathic Medical Doctors in the USA for
example, are taught to treat the body as many different parts that are not really
"related" instead of treating the body and mind as the wondrous interrelated unit as
Holistic Medicine does.
Here are a few ways of working on emotional "balance":
1. Counseling and psychotherapy
2. Meditation and self awareness exercises
3. Traditional or alternative medication such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety
medication, herbal remedies essential oils treatment, etc.
4. Bodywork such as massages, Shiatsu, etc.
5. Eastern energy methods like Tai Chi, Qigong, and Aikido
6. Bioelectrical methods like the Brain Tuner, Harmonic Pulser, New Dimension, etc.
So there are lots of different ways to bring the emotional/psychological aspect back
into balance. Even if you believe that emotions don¹t play a role in disease, that’s
fine. Keep in mind that many of the incredible devices we have described in this Ebook
will still work for you.
As always, we think it is extremely important to do your own research and make
decisions for your own treatment based on YOUR findings.
The information following are some of the best treatments we have found for
rebalancing emotional/psychological well-being
Gary Young has pioneered the use of Essential Oils for many diseases INCLUDING
cancer. In addition to these uses, the Young Clinic has also had great success
unlocking emotional stresses with Essential Oils.
Young Life Research Clinic Institute of Natural Medicine
1275 North, 750 West Suite 100
Springville, Utah 84663 USA
phone (801)489-8650
FAX (801)489-8699
Ed Skilling has developed an awesome device called New Dimensions. Using brain
frequencies, this device helps to unlock and release long-held emotional patterns of
imbalance. The website address for information about this device is :
Ed Skilling also has invented another device that is a Broad Spectrum Frequency
Generator. Details are at this website:
This site has lots of information on these units, including testimonials, instructions for
using, and instruction plans for a do-it-yourself Brain Tuner type device . You may
also purchase the device Bob Beck invented, The Bio-Tuner at this site:

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Posted by gabel On 13:12 2 comments
There isn’t any doubt that detoxifying your body plays a huge role in BOTH cancer
treatment and cancer prevention. In fact, most alternative Health Care Practioners
believe that a toxic body is the common denominator of most diseases.
In this chapter we will give you some basic theories about detoxification and also
some great ways to detox quickly using a lot of the same equipment and protocols
we¹ve talked about. As with other chapters of the book, we will put all the important
website links at the end of the chapters so your research is made a little easier.
Basic theory tells us that overall body toxicity rises over many years to the point
… We have billions of different pathogens in our bloodstream.
… . Our lymphatic system is congested (not moving through the body and disposing

of waste properly) and also has maybe billions of pathogens lying latent in it.
… Our colons have between 7 and 40 pounds or more of putrified waste stuck to the
walls causing "autointoxification" (toxic substances re-entering the blood stream)
… We have billions of parasites living in our bodies ranging in size from small
pathogens like bacteria, viruses, etc. to much larger parasites like worms 6-12 inches
long in our intestines. These parasites invade our organs causing damage to the
organs and at the same time, leaving more toxic waste in our bodies to deal with.
These parasites not only damage our organs and produce toxic waste, they also can be
the root cause of conditions such as gallstones, liver and kidney stones.
I understand if you feel sick to your stomach after reading this, especially the part
about the parasites! Please stick with me here because I’ll show a step-by-step
process that will revitalize and energize you even if you have cancer now!
Essentially what we are saying is this:
1. EVERYONE has a toxic body, its just a matter of degree. Because of this,
EVERYONE has impaired immune function which can lead directly to cancer.
2. Detoxifying the body is a multi-step process that involves many different areas like
blood, lymph, colon, parasites, liver, kidneys, etc.
Please keep in mind that detoxification can mean different things to different people
and detoxifying can mean something simple like laxatives, fruit and fruit juice fasts,
ozoned water, etc.
But the purpose of this E-book is to concentrate on prevention and curing of cancer.
To that end we STRONGLY recommend you to take the time to thoroughly review
the protocols for COMPLETELY detoxifying your body.. We will give you some
great links at the end of this chapter so you can review the link between
"autointoxication" and cancer. We will also give you links for some of the equipment
that works best for detox.
Before we do that, let’s take a minute and look at the CORRECT order to detoxify the
body. Believe me, doing it in the right order can save you LOTS of pain and
Plus it very easily might save your life.
I know from personal experience that it can make a HUGE difference when you
detoxify in the right order.
Please discuss this with your Health Care Professional before starting your
detoxification because you may have other pre-existing conditions that need to be
taken into account. Also keep in mind as I’m sure you realize by now, not many
Medical Doctors are going to understand how to do this process and not many will
even agree that this is right for you. Your best chance is to seek out anyone that
practices Alternative Healing to give his/her opinion and discuss the fine points of this
Okay, let¹s take a look at how to detox in the right order.
The first thing you want to do is seek out a colonic therapist and start a series of
colonics. I know, I know, this is not what you had in mind. I realize this is not a really
wonderful image but please hear me out on this, because we are talking about saving a it your life or that of someone you love? I think that when I explain the
reasons for why this needs to be done and in the proper order, this will all make sense
so please bear with me.
The reason for starting with colonics is the need for a clean "pathway" for toxic
material to exit the body. As already discussed, if you don’t start with a clean colon,
toxins trying to exit the liver can be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream (exactly
what happened with my friend) and cause severe illness or death if shock sets in very
quickly. The colonic therapist will no doubt tell you the same thing, that is, that it’s
absolutely essential to provide this clean pathway and almost nobody has a clean
colon. Almost every adult living in the industrialized nations has between 7-40
pounds of waste stuck to the inside of their colon. It will amaze you what comes out!!
So start with colonics, get your colon clean. It’s no big deal. The therapist doesn¹t
even see your naked body. For most people the nervousness goes away after the first
visit since it is no longer a new experience and is an easy process.
Now that the pathway is clean, you will begin to eliminate all the toxins that have
invaded your body.
The second step is to use the Beck protocol which will in turn kill the parasites and
pathogens NOT ONLY in the bloodstream but also will start killing off the pathogens
in vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, etc. The Beck protocol, in our
opinion, should be the "mainstay" with the detoxification process because it also helps
detoxify the lymphatic system.
The third step is to kill the remaining parasites in the digestive tract. This can be
accomplished by using the three herb combination of Black Walnut, Wormwood, and
cloves. (See the link at the end of this chapter for details.)
You may also need to go a step further and use the program Dr. Hulda Clark
recommends for tapeworms and ascaris, which are not completely killed using the
herb combination already suggested.
The fourth step is to cleanse the liver and kidneys. These cleanses will remove the
"trash" that has accumulated in the liver and bile ducts in the liver and push out
gallstones remaining in the liver.
, the kidney cleanse will flush the "trash" and eliminate kidney stones. Most doctors
do not recommend this procedure nor do they likely know of these cleanses. These
cleanses can help to avoid surgery for removal of the gallbladder (which is the most
common surgery in the U.S.). I’ll bet your doctor didn’t disclose that information, did
he/she? He/she probably doesn¹t even know that gallstones can be removed by
cleansing because its not taught in medical school. Alternative medical practitioners
have known for years and might suggest treatment to patients.
The fifth step is EXERCISE. It is a key component in detoxifying, and for overall
health, is crucial to maintain a regular exercise program. It can keep the circulatory
system moving the toxins out of the body rather than letting them build up and poison
the body. Huge amounts of toxins are released from the body during exercise through
the skin when sweating as well as with urination. Again, you should work closely
with your health care practitioner to determine when and how much exercise is
practical for you personally. Exercise has a dramatic effect on the immunity, so you
have to be cautious as to how much engage in, especially if you have already had
conventional cancer treatments.
To summarize then, here is what we recommend for detoxifying:
1. Colonics to clear a "pathway" for toxins to exit the body.
2. Use the very versatile Beck Protocol to clear pathogens out of most every part of
your body, including the lymphatic system.
3. Use two different Dr. Hulda Clark protocols to clear the remaining parasites and
pathogens from your body.
4. Use liver and kidney cleanses to remove the "trash" from your liver, gallbladder,
and kidneys.
5. Exercise, working closely with your health care practitioner.
This may seem like a lot to do but the bright spot is all of this can be usually
accomplished in a relatively short period of time, although some of the cleanses can
be ongoing (if there are many gallstones/kidney stones).
The wonderful thing about this detox process is that even though you sometimes have
difficult days with not much energy, you will see progress and your energy level will
rise. Thanks to the miracle of the Beck Protocol, your immune system is rapidly being
restored. This means if you have cancer when you start this program, chances are after
about 8-12 weeks your cancer may have disappeared! At the same time, you are
rapidly detoxifying your body. After a few months of this your energy level and
feelings of well-being will be amazing!
These are some links where you can do some research on Autointoxication: Part 1: Part 2:
Beck Protocol: (see Dr. Robert Beck)
And for more information on Beck, see Electro-medicine chapter. To order Beck
Read about the parasite cleanse at:
Here are the liver and kidney cleanse instructions:
Liver -
Kidney -

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Posted by gabel On 13:06 0 comments
Before we get into the nuts and bolts of the successful cancer treatments and cures, I’d like to take a little time to explore cancer a bit and maybe in the process, help you understand cancer better and how cancer starts.
I believe that it¹s very important to understand the basics of how cancer starts to gain a foothold in our bodies BEFORE beginning a search for a cure. In understanding
how cancer starts and then how it develops, we can more easily get the "bigger
picture" and then start planning a strategy for curing it. This level-headed approach
works much better than the "cut & burn" methods used by the medical establishment.
One point that needs to be made also is that doctors are very good at using FEAR as a
way to motivate someone who "may have" or actually does have cancer. And to be

fair, some doctors don¹t even realize they are using this powerful fear factor. But the fact is they use certain key words or phrases that knowingly or unknowingly almost always injects fear into their patient¹s minds. It is this FEAR combined with
RESPECT (he is the doctor, he should know what’s best for me), AND the lack of
knowledge about Alternative Treatments (both for patients and doctors) that causes
people to give into traditional treatment methods such as chemotherapy/radiation,
thinking these are the only options.
The result, unfortunately, is that the chemotherapy/radiation treatments destroy an
already weakened immune system, leaving you wide open to any virus or bacteria, not
to mention the damage it can do to many organs in your body.
Consider this: even the BEST Alternative cancer treatments that typically have 90%
plus cure rate drop to 40-50% if you have already had chemotherapy / radiation. The
reason, of course, is that these treatments have so badly damaged your immune
system that it’s very hard to recover. Please don’t be discouraged though, because the great news is that even if you have already had traditional cancer treatments, what you are about to read in this blog has easily, inexpensively, and safely cured thousands of peoples cancers!
Now let’s back up a minute and take a look at what cancer is and how it gets a
"foothold" in the body.
There are probably at least a dozen different major theories as to the pathology of
cancer, how it starts, and what the processes are that occur in our bodies. For
example, one theory states that it’s a virus that causes cancer. Another states it’s the lack of respiratory enzymes in our cells that causes cancer. Still another theory says cancer is caused by two things: a parasite and a pollutant (such as wood alcohol). The common theory most people are led to believe is that bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, poor diet, poor exercise habits, chemical toxins in our foods, air and water, stress of all kinds, etc, etc, etc...are the cause of cancer.
What I’m going to suggest is that VERY rarely are any of these things the actual
cause of cancer. What I would suggest is that any and all of these things do
CONTRIBUTE to cancer but they ARE NOT the causes of cancer! I believe all of
these toxins, pathogens, bad habits, etc. contribute to weakening the IMMUNE
SYSTEM, this in turn allows cancer to gain a foothold in our bodies.
A properly functioning immune system can easily handle cancer. The body will
respond to cancer by producing INTERLEUKIN and INTERFERON effectively,
killing off the cancer so well that most people would never suspect they even had it.
Following this line of thought, it makes sense that restoring your immunity should be
the first priority and tragically, you can see now why chemotherapy/radiation have
such a poor record. They DESTROY rather than RESTORE the immune system.
Restoring your immune system is one of the main subjects this blog will focus on,
showing you many different proven supplements and protocols. In the next two
chapters we’ll show you some of the very best super-supplements that jump-start the
immune system as well as some great cancer clinics (some as I mentioned with over a
90% cure rate) that the AMA, drug companies, and the FDA don¹t want you to know
about. Also, you won’t believe what we have in store for you in chapter 9. Get ready
to be shocked yet delighted when you read this chapter!

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Posted by gabel On 04:14 0 comments
As you’ll realize just looking through the contents of this blog, there is an awful lot
of information contained here and we realize how easy it is to get a bad case of
"information overload"!
However, even with the possibility of overload, we wanted to give you as much
quality material from as many DIFFERENT viewpoints as we could. Our reasoning
for this is simple; most experts in the cancer research and cures agree that the
CAUSES of cancer are extremely variable and because of this, different people will

need different sources of information as well as different types of cancer therapies.
Very likely a combination of therapies to cure their cancer because no two people are
So having said that, we would like to give you a few suggestions for getting the most
out of this blog. Because time is crucial factor in your journey to cure cancer, we
would like to offer a few ideas that might help.
** There are many different types of therapies represented here. Some are going to be
better that others, some have many testimonials from people who have been cured,
and others don’t.
Use your common sense when evaluating these therapies. And even MORE important
(whether you are researching cancer cures for yourself or someone else), use your
intuition, still your thoughts, calm your mind, and listen to your intuition/inner
wisdom, when you evaluate different therapies. If you can remain calm and listen to
that inner wisdom, it will guide you to the right therapy. Remember that you are the
one who has to take charge of your own illness! Don¹t leave your treatment in the
hands of someone else!
Use your inner wisdom and always REMEMBER YOUR CURE IS OUT THERE!
Wield your weapon of calmness against your fear and BANISH it!
Fear has no place in your search for a cure!
** Once you have armed yourself with your choice of therapies, I believe it is
extremely important to maintain a great attitude. By whatever means work for you,
make a promise to yourself : to stay calm, banish your fear, use your inner wisdom. If
you keep working on this type of attitude, before long you won’t have to convince
yourself, you’ll be cured, You will KNOW beyond a shadow of doubt that you’ll be
** At the end of this blog you’ll find the Resource Section. This is a collection of
the very best websites and books we’ve found on cancer cures and "the cancer
industry". I encourage you to prove to yourself that the statements I’ve made about
the cancer industry are true. And also that these simple inexpensive ways to cure
cancer are a reality!
** Finally, when you have succeeded in curing your cancer or someone you know has
cured their cancer using an alternative treatment, tell others!
It is only by spreading the word about these cancer cures and telling all our friends
and family, that we can begin to get out from under the oppressive thumb of the
"disease industry".
Working together we can make cancer just a distant memory...

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As you begin this blog and in so doing, delve deeper into cancer, it’s causes and
it’s cures, please keep this in mind: I want you to understand too that before I make
this statement (and it is a controversial statement) I BELIEVE WHAT I AM ABOUT
After 25 years of research and involvement in alternative medicine, the thousands of
pages of proof I’ve read concerning cancer and cancer cures, I make the following
statement with a lot of sadness and frustration. THERE IS AND HAVE BEEN FOR
How does modern medicine not know about these cures? This is where my sadness

and frustration come in. You can bet that the "governing bodies" that oversee the
medical profession know about these cures. You can also bet that the United States
government knows about these cures.
Think about this for a minute: one in four people will get cancer in their lifetime.
That’s 25%! The average treatment cost is over $200,000 per person. Now you can
begin to get an idea exactly who the "vested interest groups" are. There are billions of
dollars being made every year by the drug companies, hospitals, doctors, medical
equipment suppliers, etc.
For almost one hundred years in the USA, the truth has been very CAREFULLY
AND SYSTEMATICALLY hidden from us. So you can see that the reasons are
simple. Its about MONEY and has been for decades. All of the different vested
interests work together to monopolize the "Disease Industry". The suppression
techniques used to insure their monopoly ranges from MILD interference to
EXTREME measures, sometimes even killing the offending person. When you really
stop and think about it, vested interest groups, special interest groups, and
corporations control EVERY major industry! They have the deep pockets to affect all
areas of government. Corruption is wide spread and it¹s all about keeping a billiondollar
industry in place.
There really is only one way I can see to stop the domination by a greedy
Each one of us has to take responsibility for our health! If enough of us take this
responsibility seriously, we can "take back" our power. We can take back the power
we have given the medical industry and in the process, we can take back the health
and vitality that has been stolen from us!
Please use all the resources we provide in this E-book. Do your own research and
prove to yourself that what I’ve said here is true. Doing this research will forever
change your life and realizing how all of us have been pawns in this huge corporate
disease industry.
You may already know what I¹ve said here is true by your own experience and
research. If you haven’t, do yourself and your loved ones the BIGGEST favor you
could ever do. Find the truth! It will save the life of someone you love!

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What you are about to read in this blog is the author’s opinion ONLY. Please remember to always do your own research when searching for answers and always consult with the Health Care Practitioner of your choice before using any of the protocols presented in this report. Nothing written in this report should be considered medical advice.